There are four internationally accepted patterns in Ragdolls: colorpoint, bi-color, mitted and van.
Patterns come in six colors:
- Seal (dark brown, almost black)
- Blue (grey)
- Chocolate (brown)
- Lilac (light grey-brown)
- Red (orange)
- Cream (light orange)
Points (the face, legs, tail and ears) may be solid, lynx, tortie, or torbie (tortie and lynx) – there are quite a large number of different combinations possible!
Keep in mind that Ragdolls, like other pointed cat breeds, are born all white! Their adult color pattern can take up to two years to mature.

Seal (dark brown, almost black) points, strong contrast between body and points, no white on coat.

Seal (dark brown, almost black) ears, mask and tail, inverted white “V” on face, white chin, chest, belly and feet. Strong contrast between body and points, some white spots on coat permitted.

Seal (dark brown, almost black) points, white chin, belly and chest, front paws and back legs. Strong contrast between body and points.

Seal (dark brown, almost black) ears, tail and upper face mask, rest of the body all white.
Breed Standard Coloring/Patterns
Solid Point Division
Points: Ears, mask, feet and tail are darker with well-defined color.
Body: While there is a strong contrast between the body and points, the chest, bib and chin areas may be somewhat lighter in color. Soft shadings of color are allowed on the body.
Particolor Division
Bi-color Pattern
Points: Ears, mask and tail are well-defined.
Mask: Face has an inverted white “V,” which should be as symmetrical as possible and should not extend beyond the outer edge of the eye on either side.
The nose leather is pink.
Body: Chest, stomach, all four legs, feet and ruff are white. There is definite contrast between body and points, may have various markings of white and color patches. The white should reach above the elbow on the front legs, and above the hock on the rear legs.
Mitted Pattern
Points: In the mitted pattern, the points (legs, but not the feet, ears, mask, and tail) are well-defined. Though a white blaze, either broken or evenly matched, on the nose and/or between the eyes, is acceptable, the white must not extend into the colored nose leather. The chin must be white.
Front feet: White mittens, which should be evenly matched.
Back legs: Entirely white, extending no higher than mid-thigh. White must go entirely around the hocks.
Body: There is definite contrast between body and points and should be a white belly stripe (varying in width) from the bib, down the underside, between the forelegs, to under the base of the tail.
Van Pattern
Points: Point color is restricted to ears, tail and mask. Ear and tail color is dense and clearly defined, with minor white spotting allowed.
Mask may be limited to the upper part the face, which may show a gradual fading of color.
Body, legs and feet are ideally pure white, although some minor spotting allowed.
Nose leather and paw pads are pink.
Click here to read the Cat Fanciers’ Association Ragdoll breed standard guidelines.
Click here to read